Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Breecia's First March

You would think being a stay at home mom I would have all kinds of time to do things such as update my blog.... well not true. I am lucky to take a shower, do a load of laundry, or vacuum. Don't get me wrong.... I wouldn't trade being at home with Breecia for the world, but it keeps me busy and worn out!
Breecia has changed so much over the past few months. She is now 7 1/2 months old and has brought so much joy to our lives. She has had a lot of firsts lately. Back in March she made her first trip to Austin, stayed in her first hotel, and went to her first state basketball tournament (first out of the womb anyways)! We were really worried about taking her to all the basketball games, all the people, and all the noise. We had planned on not being able to go to many sessions or having to leave early. Boy did she surprise us! She was the best little girl! She slept through more games than being awake! When she was awake she would watch the games and all the people. We were so pleased with her. It was a great trip all the other years as well but she make it extra special.
A few weeks later was Brady's spring break so we made a few trips out of town. We went to Montague and stayed the night with Brady's parents, Breecia's first time to stay there. We went to Nocona to visit his Nannie and Papa while we were there too. We then traveled to Oklahoma to see my family. We stayed with my parents for a few nights and then traveled to Tuttle to visit my niece and nephew to be, Krissy and Randy. Snow was in the forecast but we made the trip anyway. Krissy and I went to get a much needed massage.... Geez, I was sore for a few days, but it was wonderful! Brady kept Breecia for the first time by himself while we were gone... and everything went well! Yay for Daddy!! :) We all went to eat at the Rib Crib. We ended up not being able to stay the night because they were forecasting "Blizzard Conditions and up to 12 inches of snow!" I was afraid to travel back home the next day with Breecia just in case roads were bad. So we went back to Wynnewood to Mom and Dad's late that night. And of course, only a little snow feel and the roads weren't bad! Go Figure! At least we got to spend some time with Krissy and Randy! We stayed the next few days with Mom and Dad then had to journey back home for Brady to get ready to head back to work :(

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